What kind of music is Nacho Gringos anyway? Well, eh...it's good! ;)
But basically it's ass kickin' liver shakin' hard rock with a touch of
electronics. There's "real" instruments and there's electronics/computers.
So it's kind of mixture of both. And not to forget the psychedelic mind-altering
side of it. It's in there. Hidden. It's really different. Check it out yourself!
Nacho gringos' debut single released in December 2009 and the first
full length album released in summer 2010 "SEX, TEX-MEX & ROCK'N ROLL".
In the spring of 2011 new single "WASTED IN A WASTELAND" came out
and later in the same year second album "NACHOGRAM" see the light of the day.
So hold on to your hats and fasten your wagon's seatbelts! Rockin' and rollin'
has returned to the building and it will stays here. That's the story so far.
Salute Amigos! :)